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Ein geniales Designprojekt von JaySimons: Map of the Internet 2.0.. Der Autor fasst das seine Intention recht gut zusammen:

The map is divided into 2 distinctive parts; the eastern continent, “the old world” showcases software companies, gaming companies and some of the more real-life oriented websites
Western part, “the new world” is composed from two major continent, northern one showcasing social networks, search websites, video websites, blogs, forums and art websites.
All major adult-oriented websites, in addition to varioius warez and torrent sites, are located on the southwestern continent of the map.
In the very south of the map, there is located “Great Southern Land” of obsolete websites and online services.
Outside the main map, there are also 4 minimaps showing NSA monitoring by country, most used browser, most used social network, and internet penetration by country.
The scale between a website’s traffic and its size is not exact, but websites are generally portrayed in ratio relative to it.
Map includes mostly english-language websites, although all major foreign(russian, chinese, indian) websites still get a mention.

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